brow n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕眉,眉毛。 2.额。 3.容貌;表情。 4.悬岩;岩顶,山顶,坡顶;陡坡。 5.〔口语〕智力水平。 6.【航海】跳板。 bend [knit] one's brows 蹙眉,皱眉头。 the heavy brows 浓眉。 raise one's brows 扬眉。 by the swent of one's brows 额头冒汗。 His brow darkened. 他沉下脸来。 She looked down over the brow of the hill. 她从山顶上望下去。 adj. -ed 眉毛…的〔用以构成复合词〕(dark-browed 浓眉的)。
ridge n. 1.【动物;动物学】脊;脊背。 2.山脊;岭,岗;分水岭,山脉。 3.屋脊;(犁沟与犁沟间的)犁垄;鼻梁;隆起线;【筑城】斜堤脊;【铸造】沟,注沟;(气象圈上)狭长的高压带(脊)。 vt. 装屋脊;作垄,培土;使(面上)起皱纹;种在垄上。 vi. 成垄;起皱纹。 n. 里奇〔姓氏〕。
For example , the combination of masculine features , large chins , and dominant brow ridges can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate , little said 此前,其它的相关研究曾显示,那些从基因上来讲比较相像的夫妇,往往会拥有更为快乐的婚姻生活。
Men with square jaws and well - defined brow ridges are seen as good short - term partners , while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long - term mates 在女人眼中,宽下巴和眉棱骨分明的男性属于短期佳伴,而拥有女性特征长相的男性,如圆脸、嘴唇饱满的男性作为长期伴侣则会更好。
Men with square jaws and well - defined brow ridges are seen as good short - term partners , while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long - term mates 女性把那些有着轮廓清晰的下巴和眉脊的男性视为短期情侣的最佳人选,而那些有着更多女性特征,比如圆脸和厚嘴唇的男士则被看作更适合担当长期伴侣。
Researchers tested about 850 male and female undergraduates with usually digitally altered pictures of male faces and found women viewed men with " masculine features " like prominent brow ridges and large jaws , as good short - term partners - - but saw them as more likely to cheat on a spouse and get into fights 研究人员用编辑过的男性面部照片对850名男女大学生进行研究,结果发现,女人们通常认为眉骨突出、下巴宽大的男人才具有“男子气概,并视其为合适的短期搭档,可同时也认为这样的男人更容易欺骗配偶,还会动不动就诉诸武力。
Researchers tested about 850 male and female undergraduates usually digitally altered pictures of male faces and found women viewed men with " masculine features " like prominent brow ridges and large jaws , as good short - term partners - - but saw them as more likely to cheat on a spouse ( 4 ) and get into fights 研究人员对850名男女大学生进行研究,给他们看很多不同的男性面部照片,女人们通常认为那些长相具有“男子气概特征” ?诸如高眉骨、宽下巴?的男人非常适合作短期情人,可却会欺骗配偶,引发争吵。
Researchers tested about 850 male and female undergraduates usually digitally altered pictures of male faces and found women viewed men with " masculine features " like prominent brow ridges and large jaws , as good short - term partners - but saw them as more likely to cheat on a spouse and get into fights 研究人员对850名男女大学生进行研究,给他们看很多不同的男性面部照片,女人们通常认为那些长相具有“男子气概特征”诸如高眉骨宽下巴的男人非常适合作短期情人,可却会欺骗配偶,引发争吵。